Honest Game to be our new ACADEMIC Partner

KO17 Lacrosse is officially Honest Game C E R T I F I E D.
What does that mean, you might ask? Let us tell you more…
We have partnered with Honest Game, a platform for high school staff, parents/guardians and student-athletes to track the complex NCAA and NAIA academic eligibility requirements to play college sports. This partnership will provide all K017 athletes with a clear pathway to academic eligibility and strengthen our efforts to support female lacrosse student-athletes.
Honest Game will now act as our ACADEMIC ARM. This means that we as a TEAM are going to help provide all of our aspiring young players who have dreams of playing lacrosse at the next level navigate the academic process that will get them there!
Honest Game will host monthly Academic Success sessions on the KO17 App and there will be a ton of educational content provided on our social media channels, as well as under the Honest Game section of the KO17 Mobile App.
Remember, we are student-athletes. Student is the primary word in that title - let's make sure we are taking the necessary steps to protecting our futures on and off the lacrosse field!
-- Kylie Ohlmiller & KO17 Lacrosse